the "Airplanes" song is playing.
It's the one that says:
" I could really use a wish right now....wish right now....wish right now"
I find myself singing along (outloud) and have it constantly stuck in my head...I have also started to collect items for an assemblage art piece for this song...

I can tell that the universe is listening....
because a few days ago I received a gift from a dear friend...

Inside was a "Wishing" rock

(and the little fancy gift box she got from the cart before the horse)

The interesting thing is... the only rocks I have ever collected (2 little rocks) were from Mexico....(unlike my family who collects rocks all the time...especially my mom...who finds them anywhere and everywhere....infact.....if you were to check her pockets right now, you would probably find a handful......along with an unsuspecting kleenex!)

For now my new wishing rock and my elephant hair bracelet have found their way under my pillow (where magic happens)

It looks like the rock is properly activated... I see a touch of purple seeping in :)