The first annual "Art of Abundance" show & sale is scheduled for Sunday Sept 20 from 11 am to 5 pm. It will be a great group show of some fantastic art, jewelry, wands, home decor, clothing and much more...hope you can come! More details to come....
Here are the paintings that are going to be displayed in the EMCO showroom in Lethbridge..... (they are all for sale, so let me know if you are interested) seaflower mandala 36 x 36 $ 800
Anyone close to me knows that I have this connection with it was no surprize to receive this picture of a rock from my mom (who collects rocks...along with other members of my family...I never got the rock enthusiast gene, so I spend my time poking fun at them...or as I call it "rock mocking").
It took me awhile to see the bunny at first...probably because my sister sent me the pic as a huge file and I only saw the top corner at first and then had to navigate over to find the dark spot...and then what I focused on was something that looked like an eye of a lizard....then it looked like a creature from Bart Simpson....
Once I resized the image, I was able to see the bunny... a glorious little brown bunny...just like the ones that pop out of no where to visit me.
Do you ever feel like you are working backwards? Like having an art show for instance....
I think the regular progression of having an art exhibition would be to: - paint a body of work... - let it sit and gel... - touch up as needed.... - contemplate the theme... - pick the best pieces... - set the time and date... - book the show
as opposed to my experience: - show gets booked (sometimes without my knowledge)... - feature piece is frantically painted for the magazine promo... - theme is contemplated (this is where my crystal ball comes in handy)... - paint the rest of the paintings and pray that they match the theme and are dry in time for the show!
Well...I have to say...what ever my experience...the universe never lets me down. I was given a couple of days notice to come up witha feature piece and a theme and this is what arrived:
44 DEEP - an introspection of the layers of our life experience or perhaps our surrounding aura. Excavating through the layers of paint (sometimes 44 layers deep) is like a journey inward searching for the truth.
I just finished some new paintings.... they will be going up to Edmonton for Capital Ex too bad the photo doesn't capture the interference paint... garden mandala30 x 30 $ 450