Since then I have had some similiar experiences, which has brought the subject "empathy" more on my radar, although it wasn't until a few years ago that I could name it. As the universe would provide, I met someone who identified their ability as being "EMPATHIC". They described similar experiences that I have had and I now had a name / label for these experiences. Thank goodness.
I wanted to explore this further and find out HOW TO TURN IT OFF...because I felt like it was becoming harmful to me. But that pursuit was put on the back burner, and then I got sick with kidney failure. I find it interesting that my body knew instinctively to COCOON myself during the time I was really sick. Living in a bubble so to speak.
I haven't fully ventured too far from my bubble after my kidney transplant...and I feel like I need to learn some skills to deal with this emapthic gift before something else happens.....
Welcome to "Empathy 101"....
I have enrolled myself in some home schooling. First class is to read the book "EMPOWERED by EMPATHY" by Rose Rosetree. I started it today.....excellent read so far! I am so happy to get some tools in my belt. (I like that she calls it 25 ways to FLY in spirit.....I like flying)

She has a check list for empaths:
- have you ever been labelled "oversensitive"
- do you get emotionally drained by crowds and need alone time to revive yourself (emotional emaths always want to go home!)
- are you very sensitive to smells, excessive talking or loud noises
- do you overeat or binge on carbs to relieve stress
- do you like to take your own car places so that you can get out quickly
I am so grateful for things like the internet that can provide information like this and that their are people that are willing to share their knowledge to help people like me....
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