Have you ever encountered something so sweet that makes your heart melt? My friend Sheri W. really outdid herself in this Chocolate escapade...

She wasn't sure if I liked chocolate or not...and so in sued a discussion of chocolate....
We discussed many chocolate delights, including a little painting I did a few years ago titled "Chocolate Dipping". She said that she had spotted that in a local gallery and really liked it and wondered if it was still available. I was surpirzed that she noticed it because it is slightly odd and perhaps not that memorable...but to me it was one of my favorite paintings. I told her that I often thought that I would claim it back from the gallery as my own and have it hang in my house and label it "collection of the artist". She agreed with me and said without a doubt to go and get it and have it for myself. I agreed and said I would probably do that when I had the time.

A week or so went by and I received a parcel in my mailbox.
It was from Sheri W.
It felt like a peice of artwork.
I feverishly unwrapped it.....I wondered what kind of artwork she would be sending me.
LOW AND BEHOLD.....here it was....my own little creation
"Chocolate Dipping"

I guess while she was at the CHOKLAT shop she realized that the gallery that had this painting was just across the street...so she decided to buy it for me and send it to me as a surprize. She even included a cute card and a gift certificate for the CHOKLAT shop. How incredibly sweet.....and so thoughtful.
I am so blessed.
Thank You Sheri W.!
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