I was struggling with regular dialysis and feeling crappy
in February I was introduced to Nocturnal Dialysis
(which is home dialysis that you can do during the night while you sleep or anytime during the day)
The staff there really made me feel welcome and positive.
After several weeks of training & installation of equipment,
I am now at home doing my own dialysis...can you believe it?
They said that I will start to feel alot better...
my energy will increase...
and the fog will lift out of my brain...
I am still feeling rough around the edges & hopeful
that once my schedule is tweeked...
I will feel GReAT and get back into the studio...
Oh ya...the other new thing is a replacement car
for my "Jackie Blue"
(she was hauled away in January by the ins. co. because she was written off)
I get to pick up my new (used) car on friday